You may recall I have
blogged a couple of times about the Black & White plus 1 Challenge issued by my patchwork group. Yesterday was the reveal and 'judging' day.
First up let me show you my 3 Entries.
"Rubies and Diamonds" as blogged about back in
July . This quilt is 70" square and I love it. The colours work together really well and it is striking without being overpowering.
Entry 2 - a Needle Tin. Made from an Upcycled macaroni tin & a little yellow crochet. (Turn your head sideways, the photos have gone crazy - again_
And entry 3 was to push the boundaries of "Plus 1".
This is my black & white button necklace with 'rainbow" flowers. I wanted to argue that Rainbow was a colour so I made a flower in each of the colours of the rainbow.
Now to show you some of the other entries.
23 Items in Total made by 15 people
Maibry's quilt.
Assorted objects
Cecily's Silhouette bag, Peg's cat runner/ wall hanging, Bev's 'scrap' bag
Carol's smocked coat hanger
Maibry's fabric postcards. (It would be quite a treat to receive one of these in the mail.)
Gayle's ribbon box. Even the ribbons were black & white plus 1
Olivia's stunning black white & Purple quilt. About 50" square. Reminiscent of a Jacob's well, but all with jelly roll strips.
Drum Roll Please.................................
Now to announce the winners..................
What we have a 4 way tie (organiser's nightmare - aka my nightmare)
Well, we will draw the winner out of a hat from those 4 entries.
1st place goes to Peg & her Black White and Pink scone basket
2nd goes to Maibry and her Black, White and Red Quilt
3rd Goes to Jill and her Black, White and Mustard cushions

I was so impressed with the entries we received and the ladies who had a go even though they 'hated' black & white.
So now we will decide what to torture challenge them with next.