Well it is the end of March & I have sewn like a machine.
Why can't I keep up this momentum during the year??? HMMM - I obviously need a deadline.
The next finish is a quilt for my wonderful friend Becc.
This is a sneak peak of it on O-me.
See that yellow thing there - it has made using O-me so much easier. I can't believe how one little gadget to help get the bobbin out has made life so much easier (that goodness). Prior to this I had to use long nose tweezers, hold my tongue just right & if I was lucky grow a 3rd hand. So thank you to the inventors of Ezi-bob.
(I purchased mine HERE the one in the photo looks different, but this is what I got below.)

Sorry now back to Becc's Quilt.
"Friendship Jelly" was made in 2012 while Becc was pregnant with baby #2. Bubs came along & they left town taking an unfinished quilt with them. In early 2013 I offered to quilt it for Becc, so it came home with me. Then WE moved house & it was packed away. Now early 2014, I have a quilt show looming & desperately need quilts to exhibit & I remembered it was there. A quick message to Becc to check her requirements & a request to exhibit it & "Friendship Jelly" was on O-me being quilted.
Now bound, labelled & ready to hang. I hope Becc likes the quilting when she gets it back.
My next finish "Little Boxes, Little Boxes"
This quilt top was made to demonstrate the beautiful "Bunny Hill" half jelly rolls from Moda that I sell in my market stall.
If you look closely you can see the top in the back of this photo
At the beginning of March while trying to 'unearth' O-me I found some offcuts from my Bargello Quilt made in 2010. I realised that they matched the Little Boxes, so they became borders.
A quick couple of hours on O-Me and it was finished.
The day I photographed it was overcast & we had lovely clouds so I played around a bit with my photos.
This quilt is lovely but I expect it will end up back on my market stall for sale.
(After it visits the Quilt Show.)
These finishes have been added to my OPAM count for March & make my finish total on Sew it's Finished up to 5 for 2014.