Oh February, the month when you realise the year has started and you are already lagging behind.
This was true of my February. School had gone back, after school commitments had started and I realised I had approximately 6 weeks to make / finish / plan a Quilt Show.
So I started some frantic binding...

Complete. A quilt show exhibit & Aussie Hero Quilt to boot. :)
An ambitious plan to make an entire new quilt before the Quilt show. (in hindsight a bit too ambitious)
Valentines day morning tea with my boys at the local nursery. Isn't this cheesecake just gorgeous.
Arrival of a new 'gift to self' for me sewing room.
This laser cut record says "sew thankful" It is from Broken Record in Brisbane this is the link to their Facebook page. She does great work and takes your design & cuts it into reality.
I love it, but I also love that you can tell it was a record.
Then onto more frantic planning and sewing for the Biennial quilt show of Roma Patchwork & Crafters Inc. Showing of the Quilts was to be held over Easter 2016. I was coordinating the show with another member and we had heaps of work to do. And I mean heaps.
Back soon with March updates on my completed sewing - gotta love a deadline.... :)