Wow, another month has come to a close.
I missed the end of September / 1 October due to a wedding and here it is the 3rd October already.
I have sewn this month. Sewn a bit actually 4 finishes.
So here goes #1 of 4
Ryan & Rachel's Wedding quilt. Like all good quilts, a labour of love. Unlike many quilts I make a surprising challenge.
The bride requested navy & white. Now these guys live on a farm with lovely RED dirt, so you can understand why I was worried about white. But I got over that after I got the design together.
The quilt started out at 9 x 10" squares across & down.
I laid it out on my bed & hated it, so we played with some other ideas.
Maybe adding smaller blocks between the 10" blocks?? - NO too busy.
The thought what about smaller blocks? Ahhh, much more pleasing to the eye.
Mathematically much more sewing.
The quilt went from being 100 nine inch squares
to 421 four & a half inch squares.
That is a huge psychological difference.
However I have recently learnt how to 'web' quilts together, so it was joined in a matter of hours (6 approximately)
Before I could quilt I realised my backing was rather scrunched up so I had to work out how to iron the 2.75m2 piece of material. Thankfully my bed doubles as a great ironing board. A bit low, but very helpful in this case.
Next up was quilting. After giving O-me a good talking too, I decided on an allover swirl with loop design within each 4.5" row.
I was posting sneaky shots on my Facebook page and didn't want the bride to see too much, so I posted the 'sketch' image. She had no idea. (The 3rd photo is "the last stitch")
I like to quilt messages into my quilt. So in the squares near the bottom right corner I quilted...
Ryan & Rachel (shown here in 'magic pen' to make it easier to read)
and on the next row the date of the wedding 1 Oct 2016

This quilt finished 89.5" square & I really like it. I would happily keep it, except our names are not Ryan & Rachel. LOL
Bound in the navy 'quatrofoil' print used in the body of the quilt it has a striking edge, and of course a personalised label.
My boys & I took it to our local nursery for a photo shoot.
I love the photos.
All packaged ready to gift.
Unfortunately I didn't get a photo of the quilt with the newlyweds but I did get go give it to them personally. They love it (always good) and they've promised to send me photos of it on their bed.
Till next time.